Chuy’s Baja Tacos
Chuy's Baja Tacos

Price: 8.99

Flavor: Well cooked flakey fish, crisp cabbage, the sauce really enhanced the flavor of the fish. The fish was great on it’s own.

Overall: Not a fan of fried fish, but the fish was very lightly breaded, not a thick layer or fried mess to get through. I got Mexican rice and charro beans – comes with diced tomatoes and onions on the side which you can add. Fresh, not falling apart corn tortillas, not soggy at all. Throw some of their queso on top or their signature Jalapeno ranch sauce and you got a tasty dish.

Rating: 9/10
Very good for a chain restaurant, definitely recommend if you want to try something different on your next weekly trip to Chuy’s.

New Jersey – Blue Moon Fish Tacos
NJ Blue Moon Fish Tacos


Price: $14.50

Flavor: The fish (even though it was fried) was very flaky and fresh. I liked the lime-cilantro dressing, it was a little sweeter than I’ve had before and went together well with the mango topping.

Overall: My first outside of BCS fish taco review. I went on a trip to visit a friend, so I figured I had to test out the local fish tacos right? It might have been because I was on a 4 hour flight, but these were pretty darn good after that long trip. The skinny margarita might have helped out, but I quite enjoyed these tacos. Sure they are a little on the pricey side, but when you’re 1400 miles away from home everything seems pricey. The portion size is well worth the cost though, you will not leave here hungry or unsatisfied.

Rating: 9/10
If you are ever up in New Jersey, be sure to hit this place up.