La Bodega – Voodoo Fish Tacos
La Bodega Voodoo Tacos


Price: $6.99, $4 for an additional taco (comes with beans and rice)

Flavor: I was excited because the type of taco I ordered was cooked as blackened. And I still had good memories of the blackened fish tacos from Fish Daddy’s (review below). however all I got was a mouth full of salt. Rice had been sitting under a lamp, might have been been from yesterday. Beans are beans, nothing special.

Overall: A mouth full of salt and bland rice. Really glad I didn’t order another taco because I probably would not have eaten it. Fish was OK, but nothing amazing – very light on the cabbage so those of you who dislike veggies shouldn’t notice any on there. Not really much more to say, very bland and nothing special.

Rating: 3/10
Maybe if I was nearly black out drunk on Northgate and desperately needed a fish taco, I can stumble over and order one here. Otherwise, steering clear.

2019 Update:
I completely forgot this place existed because the food was just that forget-able. At least this fish taco experience has been wiped from BCS existence.

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